We Must Find Trust Without Judgement

Materials: Acrylic paint and ink on a 60×70 CM canvas

How many times do the voices in our heads tell us that others are judging us? We don’t stop to ask if the other person has the same worry or is busy thinking of other things. We see the outer facial expressions and add our own interpretation. In this peice we see a worried mother holding her child. The mother worries about how she is dressed and whether or not she is doing enough to be a good mom. The person on the left side is worried about whether or not they are overdressed for the occasion. The small person feels insecure and projects anger and pride to overcompensate. Elephants usually represent loyalty but this one peers about as if angry and paranoid. The young girl rolls her eyes at it all but you can still see how she is timid and concerned. The fish in the pond represent balance, yet instead of coming to meet at the pond’s edge, everyone is positioned slightly away from it and on either side of a rift in the middle of the canvas. If everyone would come together and talk, they might realize they all have common ground and have no need to worry about being judged.