The Decision, painting by artist Christy Strickler
Materials: Acrylic, ink, canvas 

40 x 60 cm canvas

She stands on the path, unsure of which direction to move. Her body is twisted with her feet facing towards one direction and her torso facing back the other way. Behind her, we can see the edge of a forest. A wolf representing loneliness sits comfortably cradling a baby.  A fearful creature peers from inside a tree. A nest with unhatched eggs sits on a branch. The eggs and the baby represent fledgling thoughts and ideas that still need to grow and mature. The woman’s face is turned in the same direction as her feet. She is watching a butterfly. She seems to want to move forward but part of her is called back. A bird sits on her head and another on the path. They are hatched ideas. This piece reflects upon how hard it can be to move forward into new habits when old habits and ideas feel more familiar. The woman knows life will be better if she moves down the path but she still hasn’t completely decided to take the next step.